2020 – I Got A Good Feeling About This

Happy New Year! Thank God 2019 is over. What a shit-show that thing was. In fact the last half of that whole decade felt like a rectal exam from Edward scissor hands. But the past is the past and it’s upward and onward as we enter 2020.

Very Superstitious

My family has several New Year’s Day superstitions that are totally ridiculous but that I follow just the same. Black eyed peas for luck, cabbage for money, and the belief that whatever you do on the first day of the year, you will do the rest of the year (If my wife is reading this, she should know she is getting ravaged tonight – I’m not really superstitious but just in case.)

For that same reason, I plan to work in the shop when I get home – I’m building a new ottoman. It is also why I am blogging on a Wednesday rather than Monday. I suppose the superstition is really about building habits and getting them started on day one.

New Year’s Resolutions

“How few there are who have courage to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them.”

Benjamin Franklin

As I mentioned in November’s blog I take stock of my life three times a year (Lent, Birthday, and New Year’s day). My resolutions from my birthday where:

  1. Get a better job.
  2. Increase my beehives to 100
  3. Build/Grow a raised bed garden
  4. Start a YouTube channel
  5. Remodel my house
  6. Loose 50 pounds

Claim It

In the Mississippi Delta, there is a belief that, without any effort or sacrifice, you can speak success into existence. The motto is, “Claim it.” It is no wonder this place is the poorest region of the poorest state in America.

Resolutions without a plan are just wishes. So below is my plan.

Get a better job

I’ve gotten a better job – a much better job. For the past 4 years I’ve been working for Churchill Downs (the Kentucky Derby people) as a Regional Safety Compliance Officer. I won’t go into details about why I quit other than to say the money wasn’t very good.

However, on January 13, 2020 I begin work at (well you should never mention your current employer by name) lets call them Shmilwaukee Tools as an Environmental Safety Engineer. It’s 8 to 5 and I’m home every night, I get 23 days vacation, the people seem really nice, and the money is 10% over the competitive rate. I really feel like God is smiling on me.

Increase my beehives to 100

At present I have about 23 hives and enough equipment built to split those hives into 100. However, I can’t do this one until the spring. I really should be in my shop building more equipment but I have to finish roofing the house first.

Build/Grow a raised bed garden

This is one of those resolutions that I am actually really looking forward to but, again, until I finish roofing the damn house, it’s on hold.

Start a YouTube channel

My wife bought me a YouTube video camera for my birthday. Why I haven’t started this channel yet is a mystery. It’s not like I haven’t been working on projects – namely that Fu#&ing roof. So I will start filming today, while I build my ottoman.

Remodel my house

I put a by this one but it is more of a work in progress. Have I mentioned I’m working on the Mother Fu#&ing roof!? Once that is completed, I can start on the inside and so this will be at least a year long project.

Loose 50 pounds

Given I made this resolution right before the Holiday season started, well I actually gained weight. So this one is being upgraded to 57 pounds. Loosing that much weight won’t make me fit, just less fat. It’s about smaller obtainable goals.

I’m starting my diet today but I have a couple of events coming up over the next few weeks that are sure to derail me. So I am making a sub-resolution and that one is to log everything I eat in MyNetDiary for the next 6 months. This will give me accountability. To be on target I need to eat less than 2,855 calories a day… sounds easy enough.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions?

Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions? Or are you one of those amazing people that are already the best person you can be? I’m a work in progress but I have a good feeling about 2020. Excelsior!

8 Comments Add yours

  1. abe says:

    Well, I don’t do New Year resolutions, but I was talking to my partner this morning about things we’d like to do differently and things we’d like to continue. Keep working out 6 days/week, continue working in getting 3 quarts of water into my body daily, eat at least 1 fruit or veggie a day (weekdays I’m fine already, but weekends – fuhgeddaboudit), figure out a schedule for my hobbies that results in progress but not insanity. Those are the biggies. – Abe

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bryan Layton says:

      Abe, I hate to break it to you but those are resolutions. 😉 Good luck!


      1. abe says:

        Ha – caught me lol

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Our country is in the hold of dreadful bushfires so just hoping our place down at Eden doesn’t burn down … your 2020 resolutions sound impressive!
    Donna 🧚🏻‍♀️❤️🙏🐝

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bryan Layton says:

      That’s awful. Hope all is well.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy New Year Bryan!! Hope those first day (and night) actions all pull themselves off throughout the year 🙂 Good luck – get that stupid roof done – then you can do the fun stuff! All the best 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bryan Layton says:

      Thanks, Martin… and happy New Year!


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